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Transport your kitchen for the day™
This delicious country is a favorite in world cuisine. Authentic Mexican food is vibrant, fresh, spicy and fun. It is uses an amazing array of chillies, both fresh and dried. Incredibly complex and filled with history, Mexico’s six major regions are culinarily diverse due to key differences in geography, and history. The north of Mexico is known for beef and goat, in the Yucatan, food tends to be sweeter and less spicy whereas the Oaxacan region is known for its savoury tamales and moles.
Fun Facts:
Chocolate originated in Mexico, where the Aztecs and Mayans first cultivated the cacao plant thousands of years ago.
National Dish:
Capital City:
Mexico City
126,014,024 (2020 est)
Class Snack Ideas
Enjoy a festive snack of tortilla chips, served with guacamole and salsa. You can also try your hand at Sincronizadas, two tortillas pan fried with cheese and ham, similar to a quesadilla. This snack is typically cut into triangles and served with pico de gallo and sour cream.